Post 5

When I prepare for written assignments, I like to plan out what I need to do in order to have the paper done by the due date. I prepare myself to have it done a couple of days before, in order to have time to edit it for last minute mistakes. If possible, I break down the essay on my planner and schedule time frames for it to be done. I enjoy writing down all my ideas and thoughts on my topic, including everything I know and things I think I know, finding evidence to help me support or debunk my ideas.

Before I begin, I like to know what my topic is about and what I am going to need to complete it. I like to go through the requirements and past them on top of my paper, this reminds me to answer the questions asked and include the details wanted. As I go through this process, it allows me to incorporate my thoughts while also answering questions without going off topic. This process has not really changed throughout the semester because my papers were broken down, allowing me to have pieces of my papers done by certain due dates, forcing me to avoid leaving my papers done before the due dates. Although since distance learning has started, I have had more time to split up my papers or spend a whole day writing them a bit closer to due dates than I would like. Overall, the layout of the papers I’ve had to do this semester are helpful.


Comments ( 2 )

  1. Syed Shataj Hosain
    I liked how you mentioned about going through the requirement for the assinments. I also, do the same which helps me to organize my parts of the essays and helps me put my thought together.
  2. Sara Sanchez
    Though our time management is completely different, I'm the same in the sense that whatever I'm writing has to be planned out as what my topic is about. have assignments that break down the research for this topic into multiple assignments helps me figure out what research I need to do as well as provide information and a structure for the paper.

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