A Report from Occupied Territory
Cultural information included in the article are racism/racial discrimination as well as brutality and abuse of power from the law enforcement. The article first retells of an incident in which colored citizens heard and witnessed cops beating young children, to then be beaten themselves for questioning the cops. One man was beaten so badly in the eye it was beyond repair. The article then focuses on the “Harlem Six”. Questions a fieldworker can ask to uncover the culture described by the article can be “Why are the citizens of Harlem treated as they are?”, “Why is there tension between the citizens of Harlem and the law enforcement?”, “How many accounts are there from the citizens of Harlem claiming that a police officer has abused their power?” “Does this only happen in Harlem?” and “what can be done to lessen the treatment colored citizens of Harlem face from law enforcement”. Other sources of information a fieldworker might use to penetrate the insider perspective would be to acknowledge their racial identity as it could affect their research, to visit Harlem them self, to listen to accounts of these incident from the officers and to see if these same officers treat white citizens as they do people of color in and outside of Harlem.
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