Response to “Our Incel Problem”
The author, Zach Beauchamp, introduces us with a person who exemplified what an incel originally meant back when the term and community was formed so that we have it as a comparison for what present-day incels stand for. When first formed, the incel community was created for both sexes to provide comfort for the socially awkward and assist others in talking to the opposite sex; Whereas now, the incel community is mainly dominated by men who hold misogynistic views in place, justifying their hatred and (desired) violence towards women. They also hold these values in place due to the ideology that women would never be attracted to them, but instead a man that is deemed more physically attractive. The insider also notices and retells accounts of men who enter the community potentially as a way to not feel isolated in whatever experience of rejection they have gone through. This assists the insider and reader in recognizing who is part of the community, their values, experiences and perspectives. The incel community, though largely discussed online, nonetheless still largely represents a community of men with misogynistic concepts who desire, support and/or cause harm upon women. This reflects the social values a large amount of men within the Western society have towards women, which then is made more visible through politics and cultures that focus on women.