Mohammed Hossain


Discussion #5

Posted by Mohammed Hossain on

Before starting an assignment, I always do some sort of research about the topic to get a better understating of it. Also, look at the assignment details of what is it asking me to do. I can’t just write anything. After all this, I kind of schedule out what days to work on what. For example, today I will this, and tomorrow I will do that.  As I start writing the paper, I collect multiple sources as I can possibly use on the paper and write down any ideas that I can think of about the topic. This is because I will rather be prepared before writing the draft so that I don’t get stuck in the middle out of nowhere. What I learned while writing is that through the process the main idea changes a lot. Every time I write a paper my main research question tends to change quite often. Never have I ever finished writing the question with my initial idea before writing a paper. This semester my writing process changed a lo. I never prepared myself before writing at all. I barely even wrote a draft. I use to always jump to writing the final version without any idea of what I am going to write. I soon realized that was not a good idea after I started taking this class.


Reading response 4

Posted by Mohammed Hossain on

I did my review on the essay “Act Like A Man, Act like a women”  which I gave the grade of 80. The research question is not that unique since there are many debates and controversial stuff on that topic in today’s society.   The organization of this essay is good. It has a strong introduction and conclusion. Also, I liked how the information was divided into sections.  The paper has five sources but they are not well explained. For example, the author used many pieces of evidence from the sources but they were not analyzed as much. They can elaborate on it more. Overall, the essay is good and answers the research question.


Essay #2 response

Posted by Mohammed Hossain on

For this assignment, I have decided to do “Who are the Flat Earthers?”. To begin with, the opening of the essay was good. Like the storytelling caught my attention. The essay itself was sort of lacking information. For example, he/she could have talked about the online community a little more. Also, did not talk about what was happening in the community as much. The author could have added some quotes from the members of the community. The conclusion is a little weak. Other than that the organization and grammar were fine.


Reading response

Posted by Mohammed Hossain on

Mohammed Hossain

Shamecca Harris



The essay by Zack Beauchamp is about an online community lead by incels. While reading the essay, I have noticed many patterns about this community. For example, most of the people in this community are men who are considered unattractive, been cheated on, bullied, or a loner. Also, most are from Europe or America. These are the people who have trouble making friends and are afraid to open up to others because of their insecurities. This leads them to isolate themselves from the outside world and spend most of their time online communicating with the group. Also, this group was made to help the people who have these issues but later this group became something else. In a way, the incel was fueled with rage and was jealous of others who are not like them. In April 2018, a college student in Toronto named Sohe Chung and her roommate, So Ra, was walking to the library. “Chung and So never made it to the library. On the way there, a van hopped the curb onto the sidewalk and slammed into pedestrians. Chung was one of 10 killed; So was one of 16 wounded.” (Beauchamp). This was done by an incel. Also, they were calling for other incels to follow up with “acid attacks” and “mass rape.” (Beauchamp) This goes to show that they are becoming criminals. Their hate for others is not doing any justice to them. I feel like, these are the reasons why there are attacks on schools because most of the people create their friend circle early in schools. Being a loner for all those years can be very hard for anyone in general. Also, I watched many documentaries online about serial killers and surprisingly, most of them were loners.


Post #4

Posted by Mohammed Hossain on


Mohammed Hossain

Shamecca Harris



Privilege is a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group.For example, in this country education is your right, not privilege unlike in the countries where you have to pay for schools which make it a privilege. Money is privilege that many don’t have. This has to do with place they work at. I was born in middle class family so I dont have to to worry about having food on the table, cleaning up, having internet, new clothes to wear, etc. Not many people have that. Also, I have gotten many scholar ship offers for track that many who haven’t received because of me being better athlete then them.

I have been playing soccer since I can remember. Soccer is my like first love after my family. I was privileged enough to play soccer in high school team here. Growing up, I idolized Cristiano Ronaldo. Ronaldo and Leonel Messi pretty much entered the pros at the same time. Since then, they have been the best player the history of the sport can offer. But till this day, no one one knows who better than who since they have pretty much similar achievements. This created separation between Ronaldo and Messi fans. This lead to people hating on each other. I have gotten into arguments about this topic with my soccer teammates where I have defended Ronaldo since I was his fan. Me being Ronaldo fan will make me look at this hashtag differently because this hashtag is basically created to bash on Ronaldo fans.


Reading Response

Posted by Mohammed Hossain on

Mohammed Hossain

Shamecca Harris




Elise Wu is a patient with a disorder called Factitious Disorder.  This disorder comes from the worry of not receiving attention from people they love. So they fake their illnesses to get the attention they want. One time Wu went on internet and did some research about faking injuries and found out it was a sort of a disorder so wu took a break from it for about 2 years. Wu found a online community of people with with similar situation as her. . She was  always checking posts that were being posted on the site, taking notes of time and dates for the posts. She also notes down who posts what in the group. Well for source, she uses her own experiences Recalls the moment when a doctor was giving lessons to students while she was on the hospital bed. This made her realize that the doctors knew about Wu’s fake illness and were telling it to the students. Also, Wu used fake identity to hide herself from others. Wu uses the language “coming out” , a way to tell the people that she faked her illness. The footnotes were very helpful. It gives the reader a clear sense of what the author is trying to present.


Discussion Post #3

Posted by Mohammed Hossain on

I have decided to go to chick-fil-A to do my observations. The one I went to is located in midtown. So as I walk by the place, theres a lot of people outside it just going by like usual. When I walk into the place, I stood on the line to order since I was hungry and the line was long too. As I was waiting on the line, I noticed the person on the counter was getting frustrated because the customer just didnt know how to order and asking to many questions. Also, people on the line were getting annoyed since there was one person on the counter but soon another person came to the counter. I ordered and as I was waiting, I look around to see whats going in the restaurant. I notice the first floor was filled and there was no place to sit. Also, most of the people were like late 20s or in 30s. I food came and I gabbed them and went upstairs. I noticed there was barely any room to sit but I found a sit in the corner. But surprisingly, most people upstairs were younger and mostly my age. The place was a little noisy. As I sat down, I noticed people didn’t care about whats going on around them. Some are just on their phones and eating while some are just with their friends talking. People were just simply minding their own business. After like an hour, I threw out my trash and left the restaurant.


Discussion #2

Posted by Mohammed Hossain on

“The Hustlers at Scores” by Jessica Pressler tells us the story of a two master minded women fishing wealthy men by drugging them and maxing out their credit card. By doing this they have made hundred of thousands of dollars. Some cultural belief that was presented in this article was that some times you have to somethings that you don’t want to do. This was literally Rosy who had no one looking after her so she decided to be in the business. She was a smart women who had great potential but the financial issues stopped her.

Pressler gives a lot of background information in this article. She gives background information about every stripper from the group. This helped us readers understand what made them come to the point they came to. Also, gave information about the clients they “scammed”. For example, information such as the amount of money they spend every time they come to the club. Also, what type of jobs they have. Additionally, Pressler tells us how the recession was the reason they started scheming people. The recession left a lot of people unemployed from Wall street which decreased their clients. So to support themselves, they started drugging people and maxing out their credit cards. These background information gives us a better understanding of what made them to such things.

Pressler describes the informant to make them come to life. She put some quotes from the interviews she did with her. Also, describes how she wears designer brands like gucci which is pretty expensive and she had a closet of them. Also, she was messing with the cops in the car after she was arrested. This brings out her personality and how lavish her life style is.


A Report from Occupied Territory

Posted by Mohammed Hossain on

Racial discrimination was a huge problem in American society back in the days. The whole country was segregated basically in everything between African Americans and White Americans. The schools, public bathroom, and many more things were separated between White American and African American. Also, at the time the White Americans were superior to the African Americans. Meaning the White Americans ruled over America and had all the power in their hands. Prime example would be the Harlem Six. They were charged with a murder and basically couldn’t do anything about it and faced jail time just because they were dark skin. There was many other cases where White Americans showed their superiority(hate) over the African Americans.

Some questions for fieldworkers to ask to uncover for information are

How often do you go outside?

What kind of people are being arrested? Are they educated or not?

How often do you see police beating up a person on the streets?

Have you had any interactions with the police?

If you have any problems are you willing go to police for help?

To get an insider perspective, a fieldworker should have an informant in the police department and live in the community where the issue is. Having an informant will lead you to get information such what are they thinking and why are they taking the actions they are taking. This can be very risky because you never know what they will due to the informant if they even suspect him/her. Also, living in a neighborhood like that will give you firsthand experience. You will get to see what happening for yourself.

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